Project Klimagården consists of 3 farms which together run approx. 600 ha with 300 dairy cows. Here, the Permeco model is put into practice.
At Projekt Klimagården, we focus on creating agriculture that adapts its form of production to the environment at hand, so that the total impact of the operation is at least neutral. However, we aim to make it creative and able to contribute positively to our nature , environment, climate and animal welfare.
Read more about how we work in practice with our goals:

We have something on our minds and we have a vision.
We have a vision to make sublime tasty products for you, which are not only organic, but where all processes have been carefully considered, so that we contribute more to nature's resources than we consume.
We don’t only have a vision, we have already started.
We have a vision of a world where people, animals, nature, environment and climate can form a synthesis.
We know that in order to realize our plans, we must do something different with our agriculture than up to now.
At Project Klimagården we do so.
Low-lying areas play a major role in reducing the climate footprint of the agricultural sector. But the potential cannot be realized to a sufficient extent, as long as the solution is only to let the state compensate the farmers for stopping the cultivation.
PERMECO will develop solutions where economic activities go hand in hand with climate, nature and environmental considerations in the lowland areas. The solutions developed in PERMECO can be extended to other farms and so help the lowland areas contribute to more bottom lines and at the same time obtain large economic savings.
PERMECO's farming is considering the following 4 important parameters equally:
- Production of milk and meat
- High biodiversity on large adjoining areas
- Retention of nutrients
- CO2 deposition
As far as we know, nobody has so far worked with overall solutions at this level, which makes the project unique, innovative and overall orientated. There is a need of realizable solutions that can contribute to rural development and improvements of climate, nature and the environment.
By rethinking agriculture on the lowland areas in Ribemarsken, we can significantly reduce the impact on the environment. The mode of operation will also could support traditional agriculture with roughage or biomass for biogas plants from areas where climate changes will, in future, make the areas too wet to be grazed by animals. Profitable farming on lowland areas, together with a redistribution of funds in the EU's rural program, could help ensure that the areas do not end up being just a government expense in order to bind CO2 in the soil, reduce nutrient emissions and strengthen biodiversity, as ex. the conditions for breeding meadow birds. This also ensures compliance with the existing NATURA 2000 obligations. It is therefore necessary for Denmark to work actively to adapt agricultural support, so that multifunctional agriculture is promoted to a greater extent, where also several important parameters are taken into account at the same time.
PERMECO creates species-rich grazing areas that are economically viable with both high feed quality and biodiversity, while accumulating carbon and retaining nutrients in the field. The high nutritional value and biodiversity are created by sowing the right herbs and grasses. A plow-free cultivation ensures a well-developed plant cover with good root structure for nutrient retention and carbon accumulation.
PERMECO works with composting and recycling. The compost has good qualities such as fertilizer and bedding. Large amounts of carbon are stored in the soil when used for fertilizer. The compost is included in the project as a source of fertilizer on the project areas.
PERMECO is inspired by the idea of perm culture. The concept dates from the mid-1970s, when a group of farmers worked with the basic idea that man, animals, nature, the environment and the climate should be given equal importance in relation to the planning of production methods in agriculture, and that agriculture should be regenerative. Perm culture is a basic idea of creating a life that is adapted to the patterns of nature. Today, the mindset is used not only for agriculture, but also for planning urban areas, companies and the UN have even built refugee camps according to the principles of perm culture.

We create a production…
… where the climate is thought into all products, where the animals have the very best conditions we can offer them, where we have nature as our most important raw material, and where we take care of it!
We think in wholes, and make a balance between people, animals, nature, climate and energy by creating a "Back to Basics" production. The animals live on the crops that are found right outside the door, where the result that comes out of it are unique tasteful experiences that you can enjoy with a clear conscience.

We make an effort, because good things take time ..
...and this must be done in just the right way. Therefore, Project Klimagården is a long-term project.
Intensive work must be done with breeding in the livestock, reorganization of the farm, rebuilding of stables and much more.